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Who We Are

CDA IDAHO Clothing Company was started by I, Andy, and my wife, Nichelle, with tons of help from our dear friends. We own and operate a local small business as well as being full-time parents to three awesome kids. Both of us love to create and design things.

In the Fall of 2015, we had the idea to come up with a locally minded shirt company that really captured the coolness of where we live. We started with Coeur d'Alene-specific designs in mind. But soon branched out to doing Idaho designs as well. Before we knew it, we had people ordering our products from all over the place. Moms sending shirts to their kids away at college, people that had moved away from Idaho because of work and people in the Military that wanted a piece of home.

Our designs are inspired by the natural beauty and community of Coeur d'Alene and Idaho, and it's been our goal to come up with designs that cater to locals first. 

We started off selling online and through pop up events around Coeur d'Alene. Our very first public showing was at Calypsos Coffee in downtown Coeur d'Alene! The community was very kind and we had a great turnout. From there we've tried to show up at most of the major events in Coeur d'Alene. We've been blessed with a loyal following from this great community we live in.

Eventually we were able to get our clothing in a local consignment store called JUNK on 4th St. And then in November of 2017 we had the amazing opportunity to have our own store in downtown Coeur d'Alene at the corner of Sherman and 3rd Street. Having our own store changed things a lot for us. It's been a challenge and a joy to build up a good team of employees and slowly but surely piece together a permanent retail space and make it look and feel like we want.

A question we often get is: "Are you locals?" The answer is YES, we are! CDA IDAHO Clothing Company is indeed run by people that live in this beautiful place. Nichelle was born in Mountain Home, Idaho, but moved to Coeur d'Alene at a young age, and has lived here since. I was born in Seattle, Washington, but moved to Post Falls in 1998. Having spent most of my life in the Coeur d'Alene area I certainly consider myself a local.

Another question we get is: "Who does all of your designs?" Nichelle and I have designed many if not most of our designs. And the ones that we haven't drawn ourselves, were at the very least our ideas. Some things we don't have the talent to illustrate, but we at least have the concept or the idea for it. So in those cases we hire it out to local artists. But all of the designs at CDA IDAHO Clothing Company are our own. 

You can reach us at:

Instagram: @cdaidaho


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